Sunday, June 18, 2006

Toronto's top model

The organizer said we had a rare treat tonight and he wasn't kidding. This woman had a perfect body and face in every possible way AND she did excellent poses.

My drawings don't do her justice but she was by far the most beautiful model I've ever had the privilege to draw.


nessie said...

I love our drawing with her back to us - you did some justice. She looks breathtaking

Kelly Conley said...

Really beautiful Life Drawing there guy. I especially like the fourth one. I think you really captured something great there.

Unknown said...

Thanks Kelly, actually I didnt' think there was anything remarkable about any of these drawings other than the fact the the model was remarkable.

Lubomir said...

Rrreeaaallly? Where did you draw this model Tynan?...These are pretty nice drawings man.

Ryan Bullard said...

Yeah these are nice Tynan. You need to post more stuff. Now. I'm sick of waiting, you hear me? Sick!

Unknown said...

Lub, yeah I'm doing the occasional open lifedrawing at the TSA school wich is nearby CORE if you are working there. They have several open lifedrawing session a week.

Ryan, OK I will post stuff more frequently . . it is a bit of a pain in the arse to scan it in that's all.

Miggles said...

Ooo Open lifedrawing.. I was actually thinking of going there sometime, but I'm too afraid to used easels. I guess I'll have to build my own freakin' drawing horse if i want one. Which days do you go? You might catch me there sometime. I'm also planning drawing trips to the zoo, so feel free to drop me a line if you wanna go. Also, sorry I didn't get a chance to say 'Tootle-oo' at Gord's party. I hope no one got all drunk and fraternal and wept on you. *chuckles*Ahhh but seriously. Post more.

Robert Rodas said...

You handled her with style and grace. Well drawn sir.